Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 402

Auction No. 34
Category Box Lots
Est. $200
Status SOLD $290



Large box with World "A-F" in SG Senator album incl Aust to 5/- kangaroos & KGV to 5d plus more on Hagners noting early used & MLH Italy incl Parcel Post STC £200+ eg SG 44/46, cat. £47, Hagners of "Priority" mail S/A's with stamps on piece on Hagners incl PNG cut-outs from FDC's, WA pmks on PSE cut-outs etc, Aust 1990's to mid 2000's good to F/U commems incl S/A's & Int Post arranged in quality stockbook plus numerous Hagners with useful dup noting vals to $5 Heritage & Kangaroo Paw (100s), PNG & Aust Terrs MUH, MLH & CTO with vals to $4 & odd Aust PD MUH & Bahamas 1964 "New Constitution" set of 16 MUH (Cat. £38) all in the same album! African Animals thematic MUH & used plus Scout & Girl Guiding thematic collection on Hagners (STC $100+), album of misc covers noting 1935 Airmail to NZ, 1962 C/wealth Games Village Perth pmkd FDC, Paquebot cover, GB 1949 Express KGVI PSE with added 5/- addressed to Perth (Custom Forms states "Razor Blades!), 1952 Aust to S. Africa FFC & 1938 NSW 150th Anniv Exhib cover with matching Regd label plus Rhodesia & Nyasaland 1953 QEII defins to 10/- F/U on cover & a taxed Bechuanaland QEII env. Another album with Southern & Rhodesia/Zimbabwe FDC's noting £1 QEII & odd FFC (approx. 100). Also old Lincoln album (poor cond) sparsely filled & no obvious highlights, world commercial mail in 2 Cumberland albums with GB Regd to £3 Castle, Myanmar Yangon GPO Regd, Mauritius Regd & Japanese locally used etc, Aust Post joint issue pres packs, World colour postcards dating from 1905 incl some "Greetings" types & US b&w photo cards, PNG Year packs & Lighthouse s/book of GB Machins used. South Africa & Homelands mixed MUH & used on 20+ DS Hagners in Binder with slipcase, Airmail vignette/label collection from a range of countries (600+) & 1958-1989 range of NZ ($10 Kiwi FDC) & Aust covers noting 1941 Red Shield Huts Censored cover plus others incl 1894 2c US PSE (faults), 1954 KUT Regd FDC's to 50c etc. Additional L/house stockbooks of Namibi, KUT & Tanzania, latter with vals to 20/- MUH. A "superior" box lot worthy of careful viewing!