Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 1180

Auction No. 34
Category Stamps & Postal History
    Western Australia
      States and Territories
Est. $120
Status Archived



1861 1d rose & rose-carmine (4), 2d blue (3), 6d purple-brown (3) & 1/- yellow-green (1) from Perkins Bacon Printings. Noted 2d blue x 2 (SG 39), one with small commissariat puncture, SG 6d purple-brown (SG 36), 1/- yellow-green (SG 43a) & 1d rose-carmine with very rough perfs (SG 44). These 5 are all F/U with cat. £400. Seem to be chosen for wmk orientation. The remaining 6 stamps are damaged to good used. Ex Brian Pope. (11)


Image represents the entire lot.