Lot No. 91
Auction No. | 32 |
Category |
Collections Western Australia States and Territories Australia |
Est. | $100 |
Status | SOLD $160 |
Revenues Range of long swan duty stamps with 1d red x 4 & 1d red with black swan vignette x 20 plus 3d violet & black. Cond varies from good to fine. A second Hagner has small single line frame small swan Revenue Duty Stamps with 3d grey x 3, 6d ochre x 3, 1/- green x 3, 2/- brown x 8, 2/6d orange x 2, 5/- & 10/- singles used in m/s. Also decimal duty stamps for 2¢ honey possum x 15 MUH, 1 used, 3¢ crayfish used & 5 MUH, 5¢ quokka MUH, 6¢ blue wren used, 10¢ marron x 3 F/U, 20¢ magpie x 4 F/U, 25¢ dunnart F/U, 50¢ kangaroo paw MUH & 2 F/U, $1 numbat x2 F/U, 10/- parrot x 2 F/U & $20 tortoise x4 F/U. Total Elsmore Cat. $300+ (96)
Image represents an extract of the lot.