Lot No. 576
Auction No. | 9 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $600 |
Status | SOLD $4100 |

1913-1937 MLH & used. A far reaching collection with blocks, postmarks & odd varieties eg "NY" joined in marginal 1d green block of 4 MLH/MUH. Stained perfs appear on some good values, but the following are fine; 1914/20 KGV 4d orange lower left cnr block MLH/MUH, 1928 Exhibition M/S (2 MLH), Kingsford Smith set in blocks MLH/MUH, 1931 6d airmail Ash imprint strip of 3 (hairline in "A" of "RAL"), 1935 Silver Jubilee set in MLH/MUH blocks & single MLH set, 1913 1d kangaroo MLH/MUH block of 10, Die I & blocks (2) MLH/MUH Die II, ditto Die IIa, plus block of 12 Die II with one showing "white flaw in Bight", block of 4 MLH/MUH with weak shading above "One Penny"; 1929/30 Small Mult. wmk 6d to 2/- MLH; 1915/28 5/- kangaroo used, 1931/6 KGV 1/4d (3 MLH). Various other KGV MLH incl varieties, odd plate/imprint commem block, "OS" ovpts incl Kingsford Smith pair CTO, KGV MLH/used; 6d brown Roo 3rd wmk pair MLH/MUH with "broken leg" on the MUH unit; KGV 4½d Die II CTO well centred; 1914 6d engraved Kookaburra MLH & 1932 6d Kooka MLH, 1/- Lyre (2 MLH). In addition there is huge cat. value in rust affected incl 1932 5/- Bridge MLH with surface thin & another on piece with full cds but stained perfs. Superb lot with conservative reserve. Careful viewing will reward. (many 100s)