Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 769

Auction No. 35
Category Australia
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $1000
Status Archived



Victoria 1850-1912 Senator album with a fine postally used collection plus a few fiscally used on neatly annotated album leaves with SG numbers below each stamp. Majority fine & generally better than average for similar stamps of this era. Noted SG numbers 88, 110ea, 112, 118, 125, 133a, 173, 195, 196, 199, 239a, 306, 368 & 369 plus 1890-1898 Postage Dues to 10d, 1895 ½d, 2d, 4d, 6d, 1/- & 5/-, 1890-98 to 6d & 1900-1903 2d, 4d & 1/-. Inspection recommended. Total SG Cat. approx £5400 with fiscally used not included in this figure.