Lot No. 655
Auction No. | 35 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1200 |
Status | SOLD $350 |
1914-1965 Comprehensive MUH/MLH range on 44 Hagners noting 1927 2/- booklet, 1928 M/S plus pair of same from top right of sheet before all "OS" perfined 1927-1931 commems plus "OS" ovpts on Kingsford Smith with Ceremuga Cert (2003) stating "genuine but regummed", 1929 1½d WA Cent block showing "bleed through" affecting 2 MUH, 1932 Sydney Harbour Bridge to 5/- & ovpts incl 1/- lyrebird & 6d kookaburra with "break in top frame" variety. 1/- lyrebird marginal block of 4 MUH, 1934 Vic Cent in both perfs, Macarthur set of 4, 1935 Anzac & Silver Jubilee with plate singles of 1/- Anzac (1 & 2), plate blocks of 1936 Cable, a 1939 Tin Can Mail cover from Tonga to Perth with Aust KGVI 2d red. Incls other KGVI with many imprints, both Robes sets MLH, ½d orange kangaroo blocks showing 4 different flaws & 1948/49 Arms (2 sets MLH). Finally 3/6d booklets (4), 4/- (2), 1959 5/- cattle in both papers & 1963/65 Navigators set of 8 MLH plus various coil strips & helicon papers all annotated. A fabulous lot with high percentage of MUH. (100s)