Lot No. 652
Auction No. | 35 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $750 |
Status | SOLD $750 |
1913-1965 on Seven Seas & other pages in binder. Kangaroos mostly average used but incls 1st & 2nd wmks 2d grey MLH 1st, 2nd & 3rd wmks while 2/- 1st wmk & 10/- 3rd wmk are cds examples plus "OS" 6d Sm Mult wmk used, CofA MLH, 10/- & £2 "SPECIMEN" MLH, £1 used (top corner damaged), 10/- good used with small mix of "OS" perfins used to 1/-. KGV is mainly used to 1/4d with a few low vals MLH. No varieties flagged. 4d lemon looks MLH but has a small thin at top, 1d green Die II MLH before "OS" ovpts to 5d mixed MLH/used. Incls a page of private & "OS" perfin with vals to 5d. Also 6d kookaburra, 1928 M/S MLH (light bend), an attractive 1940 cover by Clipper to Hawaii with Hermes perf.11 block tied by Belmore cds & "Opened by Censor" tape at left. Good coverage of 1929 & later commems noting 1/- lyre "OS" MLH & used, Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d "OS" used, 6d sepia MLH & used plus ovptd "OS" MLH & 2 used. 1932 5/- SHB with heavy parcel cancel, 2d & 3d SHB "OS" MLH & used, 1934 Vic Cent perf. 10½ set MLH & used & perf. 11½ 2d & 3d MLH & used with 2 x 1/- used (faults) before Macarthur set of 3 MLH & used, 1935 Anzac & SJ sets also MLH & used, 1937 Sesqui MLH & used & set on FDC. The KGVI defins incl 3d Die I MLH, Robes thick paper used, thin MLH (£1 well centred & marginal), Arms to £2 MLH & used with all other issues both MLH & used noting odd imprint or used multiple. 1950 Stamp Cent in full sheet MUH (minor spot & light corner crease), QEII incls 4d booklet pane, 5d green part perfd block of 9, 5d blue booklet pane & Navigators to £2 MLH (7/6d F/U) plus marginal pairs of 10/- & £1 cream paper. Finally BCOF set to 5/- on thick paper MLH & used to 1/-. PD monocolours are mixed MLH/used incl "blank at base" to 6d, second series to 5/- (no stroke), 1909 bicolours to 2/- & recess type to 5/-. More perfins, stationary cut-outs & Emergency Mailing Service complete this worthwhile lot. (1000+)