Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 629

Auction No. 35
Category Australia
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $250
Status Archived



KGV 1926/30 SMW, Perf. 13½x12½ "balance of consignment" lot on annotated Lindner pages in matching binder with ½d orange MLH x 7 incl "OS" pair before 40 good to fine used with a further 10 perfined "OS". 1d green consists of 64 examples of which 16 are MLH, one with inverted wmk before 1½d brown with 3 MUH/MLH blocks of 4, 2 singles & 8 used. Other vals consist of 2d brown MLH (5) & used (16) incl 2 perfd "OS", 2d red MLH (10) & used (53) plus ovptd "OS" x 3 MLH & 12 used incl choice used block of 4. The 3d blue Die IA type A with 3 MLH & 2 used plus 2 "OS" before type B MLH also "OS" mint (creased) while 3d blue Die II has 2 MLH incl an "OS" before 16 used, 4d olive MLH & 24 used incl 4 perfined "OS". The 4d olive is ovptd "OS" plus 6 used, 4½d violet Die I used x 2 & CTO also x 2. Finally 5d chestnut with 2 MLH & 7 used plus 3 perfd "OS" while the 1/4d greenish-blue & turquoise-blue are both F/U. A highly recommended lot. (400+)