Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 547

Auction No. 35
Category World
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $150
Status SOLD $120



World MUH & used on manilla stockleaves in old ring binder starting with 1915 Egypt, Alexandria & Port Said on/off paper blocks & strips showing various military cancels with majority fine strikes noting New Zealand Advanced Army Post Office, Tresor Et Postes 507, FPO No.35 (1915 dates) & Mounted Brigade NZ Division before Great Britain ½d, 1d & 1½d pieces with 4th L.H. BDE Field PO on pieces with triangular Passed by Censor h/s's in red. Also South Korea 1969-1971 MUH with some duplication (100+, total cat. £200), Ivory Coast 1959/65 MUH incl 500f x 3 & both Postage Due sets, Belgian Congo 1947 Carvings noting 20f, 50f & 100f x 5 each, 1952 100f flowers x 3 all MUH (Cat. £140+), Angola 1961 Women's Faces set (Cat. £24) MUH & an early Macau used heavily duplicated accumulation plus France odds incl 1000f Paris (2), 300f & 500f (2) used. Interesting lot (100s)