Lot No. 492
Auction No. | 35 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1500 |
Status | SOLD $1600 |

Russia 1858-2002 MUH, MLH & used collection in 17 matching black Lindner Hingeless illustrated albums with slipcases, a huge retail price for the albums alone! Many gaps in pre-1960 but the following high priced M/S's are present; 1945 Stalingrad MLH, 1947 Moscow Type III CTO, 1955 Savitsky (2 inscription colours), Venetslanov, 1957 Phil. Exhibition & 40th Anniv pair, 1961 Cosmos Flights & Congress ovpt MUH, 1962 Cosmonauts perf & imperf, 1964 Olympics olive green MUH (Cat. £425). The total SG cat of these listed M/S's exceeds £1000. Stamps incl 1913 Romanov mixed MLH/used, 1922 Rostov 4000r triangular, 45r Air MLH & used, 1923/25 5r imperf used, 1925/27 set of 21 used plus 12 imperfs to 1r, 1930 Graf Zeppelin, perf. 12½ used, 1932 Air Express perf.12½, Phil. Exhib Moscow, 1933 Stratosphere, Baku Commissars, 1934 Airships, "Ten Years Without Lenin", 1935 Anti-War, Chelyuskin, Spartacist Games set (40k MLH), 1957 Satellite ovpt on 40k Tsiolkovsky with all the foregoing items used/CTO. Also 1950 130th Anniv of Antarctic Expedition MUH (Cat. £130), 1971 Foster "1964" MLH (wrong death date, Cat. £48). Total cat. value of these is £1700 plus £1000+ for the M/S's & these are just the highlights! Cond is generally fine, some of the later mint are not MUH with the post-1960 being over 90% MLH & incls most of the early 1960's imperf issues used. A rare opportunity to acquire an impressive collection in matching hingeless albums & set yourself the goal of plugging the gaps to upgrade the lot! (1000s)