Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 414

Auction No. 35
Category World
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $180
Status SOLD $180



Great Britain QV-QEII used on 4 Hagners with majority high catalogued items in good cond incl 1855/57 6d lilac (Cat. £120), 1862/64 1/- green (Cat. £300), 1855/57 4d rose with large garter wmk (Cat. £150), 3d rose with large uncoloured letters in corners (3) & large coloured letters (6) all on piece with full duplex cancels plus off paper useful noting KEVII 2/6d F/U, KGV 1925 BEE, 1883 2/6d lilac & deep lilac both with perfins before other QV incl 9d straw (SG 110, Cat. £325) & KEVII 5/- (parcel cancel). Also some faulty Seahorses 2/6d (6) & 5/- (4) not incl in reserve figure. Also QEII 1952 Tudor Crown 9d (2 pairs MUH, Cat. £90+) & 1/6d MLH. Well worth reserve! (100+)