Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 410

Auction No. 35
Category World
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $150
Status SOLD $210



Great Britain QV cancellations on leaves & Hagners incl cut outs of 1d embossed from PSE's with 1844/46 postmarks, 1d reds noting perf.16 on 10 diff place name pieces, Edinburgh "Brunswick Star 131" (16) plus pieces with Star flanked "131" & 1874 cds dotted circle "14 X Edinburgh Fe 28/74" clearly struck. Another "Posted Since 7 Last Night" & cut out dated OCT 22 1840 with small boxed "Paid 1d Extra" alongside the cds. General examples follow under headings of "Late Fees", "Too Late", "Double Ring", "Smith Elder & Co Pre-cancel", "Squared Circle", "Hooded Circle", "Numeral" & "Duplex" amongst others. Also a page of Scottish duplexes on 1d lilacs, stampless cut outs of cancels from 1831 (Wigan) to 1890's, 1902 Boer War piece tying 1d lilac to Br. Army strike, 1909 West Down South Camp B.O. Devizes tying KEVII 1d & "1961 Field Post Office 876" (Germany) on 2d postal stationery cut out. Interesting/ (100s)