Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 373

Auction No. 35
Category Box Lots
Est. $100
Status SOLD $500



Deceased estate as received from the family. Used Kangaroos to 5/- incl 1/- block of 4 (collector paid $65) & KGV to 1/4d with 2 x F/U of latter all arranged on 56 "as new" Hagners with later incl McArthur 9d, 2/- SJ & Arms to £1 plus a few States & PD's at the end. Also KGV 1d reds off paper with some multiples on piece incl an irregular block of 10 & block of 6 tied by Western Australia Poste Restante cds's, noted the 1966 Specimen set ovptd Navigators with the rest of the CTO set in springback album with other odds incl more KGV. A Seven Seas album with more used pre-decimal to 1/4d KGV plus some larger common multiples MUH on Hagners, small cigar box of used kangaroos & KGV noting vals to 2/- & 5d respectively.