Lot No. 941
Auction No. | 34 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $240 |
Status | SOLD $240 |
States Qld (134), SA (489) & Tas (316). MLH & used accum in cat. order on Hagners with main value in South Aust noting 1d, 2d imperfs x 9 & 6d,roulette/imperf F/U (SG 13-18) plus 1d, 2d & 6d x 2 all used before 1d green x 3 (SG 19), 6d MNG & later 2/- MLH/used noting 10d on 9d yellow F/U. Also 1877 2/- MLH & surface printed low vals with range of perfs, wmk & shades MLH & used. "Long Toms" are well covered to 5/- MLH & used, the MLH incl some MUH while the few Officials incl "SA" & "OS" perfins. Tasmania with Chalons in fair cond with mixed fiscally & postally used plus heavily dupl 1d perf & imperf before average later with Pictorials recess printed to 6d MLH & surface printed MLH/used to 6d with perf varieties. Hingeing varies but nearly all free of toning. Viewing recommended. (939)