Lot No. 810
Auction No. | 34 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1000 |
Status | SOLD $1000 |

1913-1932 Clean collection on leaves in black springback binder with 1st wmk kangaroos to 1/- used incl 4d shade, set to 1/- MLH incl 4d x 2, 6d x 2 mostly fresh (2½d & 5d stained), 1914 recess 1d & 6d MLH & used, 1915 2nd wmk to 5/- used plus 2d MLH before KGV with 4d yellow & orange shades (5 MLH), 1915/18 3rd wmk to 5/- used & to 1/- MLH, 1924 2/- MLH, Small Mult KGV 1/4d perf. 14 MLH & F/U, 1d greens (6 MLH with listed flaws), perf.13½ x 12½ to 1/4d incl 4½d Die II used & to 5d MLH (excl 4½d Die II) incl 4d "kangaroo's tongue out" & flaws on 1d & 1½d. 1929/30 Sm. Mult kangaroos to 5/- used, 6d & 1/- also MLH, CofA kangaroos to 5/- used plus "SPECIMEN" 10/- to £2 MLH, 6d pair MLH (plus "OS" pair MUH) with 9d & 2/- MLH. KGV to 1/4d MLH & used, 1927/30 group perfined "OS" used, 1928 M/S fine MLH & all Kingsford Smith used/CTO incl 2d, 3d "OS" & 6d brown "OS" MLH & used. Also KGV "OS" ovpts both MLH & used, ditto SHB & 1/- Lyrebird, 1932 1/- Ash imprint block MLH & 6d kookaburra Ash imprint block MLH. Incls NWPI MLH/used range to 1/- (19) & BCOF set to 5/- on thick paper F/U. Vol.1 rounded out by Norfolk Is Ball Bay MLH & used & Nauru 1924 ships to 1/-. Superb lot. Cat. £4000+ (100s)