Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 506

Auction No. 34
Category World
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $500
Status SOLD $1000



Falkland Islands & Dependencies 1878-1996 collection of MUH/MLH in large Lighthouse Hingeless album. Excellent coverage from QV to 1/- incl shades, 1898 2/6d & 5/- MLH, KEVII to 1/- & KGV 1912/20 to 5/- incl both colours of latter plus 1921/28 to 3/-, 1929/36 to 5/-, 1933 to 1/- MUH/MLH noting 2/6d marginal MUH, 1935 Silver Jubilee MUH & 1938/50 to 2/6d plus 10/- MUH. Later all MUH (excl 1955/57 set used & 1960 Birds MLH) incl 1972/25 wmk changes. Missing only 1974 Churchill, 1978 Chichester, SJ, 1979 Hill, 1980 London 80 & 1983 Liberation M/S's. Some other gaps but incls 1989/90 Ships to £5 with "1991" imprints & then virtually complete to Capex'96 M/S incl 1991 PD's. Dependencies incl 1944/45 sets with extra 6d (shade), 1946 thick & 1948/49 thin maps MLH, 1946/48 omnibus pairs used, 1954 Ships to £1, 1963/69 to £1 (excl £1 Blue Whale), 1971 Surcharges, 1972/76 wmk & glazed paper changes, 1977/78 new wmk to 50p on 10/-, 1980 to £3 & ditto to 50p with imprint dates, plus 1987 Birds to £3. Missing a few later commems but incls 1994 Whales & Dolphins to £5. Huge cat. value. (Falklands 627 + 8 M/S, Deps 300+)