Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 1260

Auction No. 34
Category Revenues
    Western Australia
      States and Territories
Est. $300
Status Archived



1922/30 1d red x 5, 2d x 2, 3d x 2, 6d x 2, 1/- x , 2/-, 2/6d x 2, 5/-, 10/-, 15/-, £1, £5 & £10 on new paper with medium sized W Crown A wmk, perf. 14½x13½ plus 1920 £1/10/- & 10/- zinc plates pair. Majority fine used & fresh. Elsmore on-line Cat. $580 (24)


Image represents the entire lot.