Lot No. 744
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $150 |
Status | SOLD $220 |

British Commonwealth Whitfield King standard printed album for issues to 1920 sparsely filled with MLH low val odds noting odd better incl Cayman Island KGV to 3/-, Papua 2/6d small type ovpt & 1917 One Penny surcharges set, Sudan 1901 1m large "SG" perfin (Cat. £55) & WA 5/- Cr/A (Cat. £90) plus 8d & 10d with few lower vals. Useful used incl NZ 2/- QV ovptd "Official" (SG 082, Cat. £50), WA 2/6d, Tasmania 1879 "Halfpenny" surcharge with missing leg of "p" (Cat. £25++), 1871 5/- mauve MNG, Sudan 1906 "Army Service" ovpts on 2pi & 5pi (Cat. £90) & 1897 ovpts to 10pi. Also a Triumph album to 1930's with some Australia MLH/used, other countries sparse plus some modern "unofficial" Australian booklets/ Useful pickings.