Lot No. 733
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $750 |
Status | SOLD $750 |

British Commonwealth "War Tax" ovpts with both MLH & used on leaves, Hagners & Vario sheets housed in display books. Duplication but noted many large multiples with best countries being Bahamas (c75), Barbados ("Specimen" ovpt on 1d, Cat. £55), Br. Virgin Islands pl. 6 block of 4 MLH & block used on piece, 3d pair & single MLH with wmk inverted (SG 79bw), Cayman Is incls "no bar" variety (SG 54a, Cat. £85), 1½d orange pl. 5 block of 30, Canada 50¢ War Tax (SG 227, Cat. £140) plus various coils & perf varieties incl 2¢ brown pair with official join (SG 243, Cat. £80). Ceylon incl 2¢ orange with ovpt inverted (SG 330A, Cat. £45), "Specimen" ovpts diagonal on 2¢, 3¢ & 5¢ x 2 before Gilbert & Ellice 1d pl. 5 part sheet of 42 & strip of 5 used on piece & Falklands to 1/- MLH & used incl 1d comb perf with vertical bar between "War" & "Stamp" variety (vendor paid $190). Also Jamaica 1½ small ovpt with "S" omitted used, (Cat. £225), ½d with misplaced ovpt & another with ovpt inverted, both used before various 1½d varieties incl ovpt inverted, ovpt double & damaged/distorted letters pair SG 75/75b with "Stop inserted & "P" impressed a second time" (Cat. £250). Malta incls "SPECIMEN" ovpt on ½d KGV & 3d KEVII (Cat. £150) while NZ incls block of 10 MLH & St Kitts 1½d ovptd "SPECIMEN" (Cat. £55) plus ditto ovpt on St Lucia 1d (Cat. £55). St Vincent incls "ovpt double" (SG 124a, Cat. £180) & small ovpt on inverted wmk (SG 127w, Cat. £100) while Trinidad & Tobago fronts with 1d red with & without ovpt & the ½d block of 4 with 1929 late use (plus 1d MUH with inverted ovpt (SG 185a, Cat. £170+) & with ovpt double MUH (SG 188a, Cat. £300). Finally, Turks & Caicos 3d ovpt "SPECIMEN" (SG 148s, Cat. £40) & 1d large ovpt on inverted wmk (SG 146w) plus marginal single with "ovpt double" variety (SG 149b) & 3d similar (SG 144a, Cat. £40). Also 1d with "ovpt double at top" (SG 143i, Cat. £48). These have been identified & flagged with cat details, so don't ignore the flags when viewing! An amazing lot with the items above cat. £2186 alone plus over £1000 estimated in balance. A rare opportunity to acquire such a collection! (1000+)