Lot No. 524
Auction No. | 33 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $240 |
Status | SOLD $250 |

Great Britain QV-1970s MUH, MLH & used lightly dupl in red Lindner stockbook. MUH/MLH incl 1925 BEE 1d vert strip of 3 MUH (Cat. £75), 1929 UPU to 2½d MUH, 1951 Festival high vals also MUH plus a MLH set & £1 RSW MUH. Castles in all wmks to £1 MUH/MLH annotated with SG numbers before various phosphor commem sets MUH (no Red Cross) & then appears complete in ord issues from 1953 to 1970 with a couple of booklets. Machins in marginal blocks of 12 or 15 to 11p & 1977 £1, £2 & £5 blocks of 4 MUH. The used range is from QV incl 1883 5/- before KEVII 2/6d, 5/- x 3 & parcel cancelled set to 10/- on piece with KGVI £1 brown (1948) block of 4. Also a few delivery company labels for National (dull lilac), London (blue) & Liverpool (brown) & a small range of interesting covers noting "Egypt Postage Prepaid" cds tying 10d KGVI to censored cover addressed to South Africa, 1858 mourning cover with stamp missing, 1940 Cent cover with 2d orange bisect tied by Guernsey machine cancel & a 1952 cover, local use with KEVIII 1½d tied by machine cancel. Other useful items incl 1935 Silver Jubilee booklet with 1½d pane remaining, 2½p Machin positional block of 12 with "broke necklace variety" & 1912 1d scarlet Mackennal, Imperial Crown wmk block of 28 (26 MUH but 3 stained) plus horiz strip of 3 MUH. Well worth viewing especially with such a low reserve! (100s)