Lot No. 714
Auction No. | 30 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $750 |
Status | SOLD $750 |

New Guinea Commences with ovpts on Germany MLH, 1900 5pf Rechspost card used Herbertshoe to Domitz, Germany, ovptd 10pf postcard unused & a few yacht types to 5mk (lozenges wmk). Marchall Inseln ovpts on 3, 5pf MLH plus latter used before yacht type to 5MH without wmk incl shades of 3pf & 80pf, 1mk & 2mk plus 1916 5mk (lozenges wmk) all MLH. 10pf postcard unused, GRI ovpts 2d on 10pf x 2 & 2d on 20pf (Cat. £27 ea), ovpt on Deutsch Neu-guinea 1d on 5pf (Cat. £80) & 1925 Huts to 10/- (excl 5/-) incl 3 of 6d shades plus 1931 Airs to 5/- MLH with 9d used. Also 1931 10th Anniv to 10/- (stain at base & no 2/-) before Airs to 5/- (pulled perf at base of latter), 1932 undated to 2/-, Air ovpts MLH to 2/- with 5/- & £1 used & 1935 £2 Airmail F/U plus 1937 Coronation incl lower Ash imprint block of 10 MLH with R7/2 Re-entry before 1939 to £1 MUH/MLH noting 5/- & £1 MUH, 1925/31 "OS" ovpts to 2/- (Cat. £75) & 1931 to 2/- MLH (Cat. £225) with 1d, 2d, 2½d, 3d & 6d undated. A clean lot with odd natural inclusion but fine overall. Cat. £2900+ (189 + 3 postcards)