Lot No. 483
Auction No. | 30 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1200 |
Status | SOLD $1650 |

British West Indies QV to KGVI MLH & used collected in the 1950's the majority of the MLH being once-hinged examples only while some on a selvedge count as MUH. The following highlights are by no means exhaustive, as an inspection will reveal. Bahamas 1938 to 5/- lilac & blue F/U (SG 156), 1942 Landfall to £1, 1948 Tercentenary to £1, RSW £1 all used, Barbados Britannia MLH 1d blued paper imperf (Cat. £60), white paper imperf 1d blue shades used (Cat. £60, £75), 6d pale rose-red used (Cat. £120) with 1/- black shades (Cat. £75, £110) & perfd (odd trimmed) to 1/- used with 1861/70 (11) & 1875/81 (12) plus 1882 set used. Also 1906 Nelson x 7 plus 1907 2½d MCA, all used. Bermuda KGV 10/- script wmk F/U, KGVI 2/- (3), 2/6d (2) & 5/- to £1 with 1 of each MLH & RSW £1 MLH. British Guiana 1888/89 "dull purples" to 72¢ used, RSW $3 F/U, British Honduras QV no wmk set of 4 (one 1d faulty, 1/- used stained), CC wmk perf. 12½ green & deep green used plus perf. 14 to 1/- (excl 6d), CA with both 1d colours, 4d, bisect of 1d rose on piece, 1888/91 to 50¢ on 1/- grey MLH (6¢ on 3d F/U), 1932 Relief Fund MLH, 1938 to $5 F/U, 1948 RSW & 1950 set to 10/- MLH. Dominica RSW F/U, Grenada with both KGV heads wmks to 5/-, RSW MLH, 1951 to $2.50 MLH & 1908 10/- MLH (Cat. £160) while Jamaica incls KGV script Pictorials to 5/- used & RSW F/U. Leewards RSW F/U, St Lucia QV (40), 1891 MLH to 10/- & 1936 to 10/- MLH plus KGVI to £1 MLH, RSW MLH & 1949 to $4.80 MLH. Trinidad & Tobago 1935/37 to 72¢ used & RSW used with Turks & Caicos KGVI to 2/- MLH incls both 6d & 1/- colours. All countries have the Silver Jubilee sets MLH with some also used. Viewing will impress. Cat. £5,000++