Lot No. 355
Auction No. | 30 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $200 |
Status | SOLD $200 |

Great Britain 1840-1951 MUH, MLH &used on leaves from 1840 1d black (close margins on all sides), 1841 1d red imperfs (2), perfd incl letters in all four corners with 90 different Plate numbers (some faulty) before later QV noting 1880/83 3d plate 21 good used (Cat. £100) plus about 20 others to 1/- in mixed cond. Basic KEVII to 2/6d (damaged) with better KGV incl simple cypher wmk to 1/- used (excl 2½d) & block cypher to 1/- MLH (excl 2d, 3d). Also BEE 1924 & 1925 used with 1924 1d MLH, 1929 UPU to 2½d in blocks of 6 (5 MUH on each block), 1934 to 1/- MLH (excl 1½d), Silver Jubilee MLH & used, KGVI MLH to £1 incl all colours excl 2/6d brown & 10/- dark blue & 1948 RSW MUH. Also 1951 Festival 2/6d to £1 MLH & 1948/49 commems in MUH/MLH blocks of 4 various 1937-42 to £1 used. Noted Morocco Agencies mixed MLH/used on one page (19). Despite poor to average quality of used, the mint are lightly hinged (Cat. £670) & reserve is conservative. (100s)