Lot No. 306
Auction No. | 30 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $180 |
Status | SOLD $850 |

Canada Provinces New Brunswick MLH/used to 17¢, Nova Scotia incl 3d F/U (SG 3) to 12½¢, Prince Edward Is 2d, 3d (2 ea), 4d, 1¢ & 6¢ (2 ea), 2¢ & 4¢. Newfoundland contains an excellent range from imperf 1d (SG 1), 3d MLH/used, 4d (SG 18), 5d (SG 13) & 6½d (SG 21) with 1865 onwards in mixed cond but with 1866 13¢ yellow MLH (Cat. £130), 24¢ (SG 21 x 2 MLH) before the usual used range with barred obliterators. Also 1898 set to 60¢ MLH (Cat. £324) plus part set incl 24¢ & 60¢ used, 1910 set to 15¢ incl perfs & "a" numbers, 1920 surcharges incl both setting of 3¢ on 15¢ (SG 144/7, Cat. £310), 1919 to 36¢ MLH plus low values used with useful duplication. Finally 1923 scenes MLH (Cat. £180), 1928/29 Publicity to 30¢ MLH with both DLR & Perkins Bacon sets plus some extras MLH/used, 1931 no wmk Airs MUH (Cat. £85+) & a simplified later range with some duplication. Inspection recommended to assess variable cond but essentially a good lot with Newfoundland cat. £2000 alone before other Provinces. (100s)