Lot No. 1072
Auction No. | 30 |
Category |
Stamps & Postal History Western Australia States and Territories Australia |
Est. | $200 |
Status | Archived |

1905/12 wmk crown/double-lined "A" perf 12½ MUH/MLH/MH group consisting ½d green MH (SG 138), 1d rose-pink (SG 139), 1d carmine-red (SG 139c) pair, 3d brown (SG 141) MUH pair plus MLH single, 4d bright red-brown (SG 142b) MUH, 5d olive bistre (SG 143) MLH pair, 8d apple-green (SG 144) MLH, 9d orange (SG 145) MH & red-orange (SG 145a) MLH & 10d rose-orange (SG 146) MH, plus 5/- emerald-green 2 distinct shades (SG 148) MH. Good frontal appearance & centering. Total cat. £870 (16)

Image represents the entire lot.