Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 571

Auction No. 24
Category Australia
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $250
Status SOLD $460



Pre-decimal small auction lot purchases on Hagners, stockcards & protector sleeves. Noted 3d Sturt with pl.1 blocks MUH, KGVI 3½d blue imprint pair with pre-printing paper crease resulting in aberrant perfs in selvedge, doctor blade flaw on 5d Inland Mission corner block, plate blocks of 2d cable (all 4 plus extra 1 & 2), "VG" perfins on KGVI & QM blocks, 1945 Peace blocks of 30, 10/- Robes Specimen (faults), BCOF 3d with "B" of ovpt nearly missing, AAT to 2/3d in MUH blocks of 6, 1929 1½d Swan plate pairs 1-12 incl 8 & 9-12 blocks of 4, 1974 35¢ Christmas pl.3 pair & various other 1930's imprint & plate blocks incl 3d SHB pl.1&2, 1936 Cable 2d pl.1-4 with extras, 1931 3d Kingsford Smith 1-2 & KGVI 2d mauve block of 9 with medallion flaw. Oddments to 1965 with many accompanied by dealer/auction receipts from 1990's. Also GB 1854/79 1d pl.130 on 1873 cover, 1d imperf on letter & Australian WWI formular "Active Service" cover to WA with Field Post Office 86 stampless cds. Interesting lot! (100s)