Lot No. 537
Auction No. | 24 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $400 |
Status | SOLD $400 |

1913-1965 assorted stamps & covers with a cross section of items incl 1931 Kingsford Smith MLH incl "extra islands", 1931 Airmail cover to England with 6d sepia & 2d KGV tied by Wolumla NSW cds, 1931 1st England Australia Airmail Imperial Airways cover with 1/- x2 tied by Darwin NT cds & with Imperial Airways London b/s, a few PD's with varieties, 1923 cover with unclaimed & "not known ..." boxed handstamps & kangaroos x 22 mainly used on s/card showing varieties plus ½d, 1d, 2½d, 3d, 4d, 6d (chestnut) & 1/- MLH. Also 1915 OHMS cover franked with 1d kangaroo perf small "OS", a loose ship letter strike on cover with 1d kangaroos & NZ 1d Universal tied by Sydney 17 Fe 14 cds, taxed NSW 1901 p/c to Finland plus many other interesting cards & covers with kangaroos & KGV. Other stamps incl CofA 5/- kangaroo marginal with "open mouth kangaroo" variety (MLH, light crease), 6d chestnut 3rd wmk block showing "broken leg" on one MUH/MLH, 6d ultramarine 3rd wmk inverted used & 5/- 3rd wmk used perf "OS" with kangaroo misplaced into Bight. Other varieties on stockcards with ACSC details shown plus small stockbook of mainly 2/- kangaroos used. Viewing highly recommended!