Lot No. 294
Auction No. | 23 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1000 |
Status | SOLD $1000 |

British West Indies Retired old-timer dealers accum/stock of MUH/MLH/MH & used in 6 old stockbooks of varying sizes. Largest volume with Barbados incl 1892 10d (5 MLH), sparse KGV, better KGVI to 5/- & $1.20 & then some used incl 1897/98 5d & 10d, 1912/16 2/- F/U plus a range of badge types to 2/6d. Bermuda 1920 Tercentenary sets, "galleon" type to 1/- & KGV to 1/- plus 10/- fiscally used. British Guiana from 1880's with pictorials to $2 used. British Honduras 1922/23 to $2 used. Bahamas odds incl 1935 8d, KGVI various to 1/- mint before a good range of used from Chalons to 4d, "staircase" 2/- & 3/- (blunt cnr), KGV 5/- & 1921 "staircase" script wmk while KGVI incls 5/- lilac & blue used (cat. £100). Second vol with Dominica noting KEVII 5/- (Roseau 1981 cancel!), Views & KGV to 1/- used & KGVI to 5/- used. Grenada mint incl KGVI to 5/- & used incl KGV to 5/- plus ditto KGVI (5/- x3). Montserrat KGV/VI mint odds & used 1d & 6d QV ovpts on Antigua with KGV vals to 3/- & KGVI to 2/6d & $1.20. Third vol with Trinidad, St Kitts, St Lucia incl KGVI to £1 used, St Vincent, Turks & Caicos KGV to 3/- mint & 2/- used, KGVI 10/- used plus useful early Turks & 1950 set to 10/- used. Fourth vol contains Jamaica with MUH/MLH/MH incl short sets, used with KGV MCA 10/-, KGVI to 10/- & later to first decimals noting mint War Tax at back. Fifth vol with Cayman Is noting used KEVII 1907 4d brown & blue (cat. £60) & 6d olive & rose (cat. £75) plus others to 1/-. KGV 1912/20 10/- white block (SG 52b, cat. £190) & 1/- black on green x 4 incl 2 with white back & KGVI to 1/- with dupl. Final vol has Antigua with value in used noting "badge" types to 2/6d (2), KGV 2/6d (3), 4/- (2) & 5/- plus KGVI 2/6d & 5/-. A lot of sorting enjoyment ahead for purchaser. A few KGV chalky paper have surface rubs but not those mentioned. Huge cat value. (1000s)