Lot No. 169
Auction No. | 23 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $400 |
Status | SOLD $640 |

New Zealand 1860-1973 MLH & used in 2 SG binders. Noted Chalons perf 1d brown, 3d lilac, 6d red brown used, 1873 ½d Newspaper no wmk mint, 1882/1900 vals to 1/- MLH/MM or used, 1898/1907 pictorials to 1/- used, 1906 Christchurch ½d, 1d used & 3d MLH. KEVII to 8d used plus 1/- MLH, KGV to 1/- used (6d & 9d MLH), 1925 Dunedin set (1d used), 1926/34 Admirals 2/-, 3/- used & 1931 Airs incl ovpts MLH. Also 1935/42 in mixed wmks to 3/- mainly used & 1935 Silver Jubilee 6d MLH. KGVI to 3/- mint (1/- used) with 1940 mainly used & QEII 1953/59 to 10/- (9d to 1/9d MLH), 1960/66 to £1 mainly used & decimal near complete MLH as per pages. Health issues incl Smiling Boys MLH (2d with stained/toned top perfs), most M/S's with some MUH, Arms vals to £1, PD's incl 1939 MLH, Officials incl KEVII, 1928 2/- Admiral used, KGVI incl 1½d (both) & 2d to 2/- MLH & 1940 Centenary (11) used. Finally Govt Life 1891/1965 incl "VR" 6d part o.g & 1/- used & 1947/65 set of 8 mint. Some faults but generally good to fine. SG Cat. £3300+ (100s)