Lot No. 155
Auction No. | 23 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $300 |
Status | SOLD $450 |

Malta 1882-1997 MUH/MLH/used on Hagners in binder. Noted 1882 ½d shades (2 MLH), 1885/90 to 1/- in both shades used, 1886 5/- MLH, 1899 to 5d, KEVII mixed MLH/used to 1/-, a few KGV 6d & 1922 ovpts to 2/- MLH plus pictorials to both £1 MLH. Also 1926 "Postage" (excl 1/-, 2/-) to 10/- MLH (6d used), 1926/27 pictorials 1/6d to 3/- MLH, 1928 6d Air & ovpts to 1/- MLH, 1930 mixed MLH/used to 2/-, 5/- & 1935 Silver Jubilee plus all KGVI incl £1 RSW MLH & 1956 to £1 MUH. Later near complete incl £2 Arms & mostly MUH. Incls M/S's, 50¢ & 75¢ booklets, 1925 PD's imperfs to 1/6d MLH & a few useful extras on stockcards. Generally fine. Cat. £1200+ (1050, 10M/S, 2 booklets)