Lot No. 590
Auction No. | 21 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $100 |
Status | SOLD $130 |

1932-1935 MUH/MLH in black-leaved stockbook noting 1932 1/- lyrebird single MLH, 2d & 3d SHB imprint blocks & 6d large koala imprint block (toned). KGVI blocks to 6½d incl 1d green QM Die I x3 Ash blocks & 1/0½d block & single. QEII 1/0½d blocks (2), Coronation set in marginal blocks (2 sets of blocks), 1/7d block, 2/3d Royal Visit single, 1961 5/- cream (2 MUH) & 5/- white F/U block. Then back to 1931 Kingsford Smith 6d violet marginal block of 6 MUH, 1932 6d, KGVI imprint blocks x 60 to 1/4d (lower vals with dupl incl 1/0½d) plus a few others. Chronologically disorganised but well worth reserve. (100s)