Lot No. 468
Auction No. | 20 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $150 |
Status | SOLD $150 |

South West Africa Commencing with page of German S.W.A. odds incl 2mk used (Cat. £49) & a range of ovpts on South Africa KGV in MLH/used singles, pairs & blocks incl pl.2 block of 8 x 2d & 2/6d block of 4 MLH (SG 24, Cat. £50 per pair) Also 1926 4d Triangular with 8 used singles, private perf MLH (3), imperf pair & 9 singles MLH plus various 1927 pairs MLH/used to 1/- & 1931 pictorial blocks MUH/MLH to 1/3d. Noted 3d Air pair used, 1937 Mail Train block & ovptd OFFICIAL/OFFISIEEL (odd foxed perf) plus all Huguenot & other commems from 1933 MLH/used. A highly catalogued lot that should be viewed as cond varies hence low reserve. (100s)