Lot No. 572
Auction No. | 19 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1000 |
Status | SOLD $1000 |

KGV MLH & used range on Hagners sorted by wmk with separated range of perfined "OS", "OS/NSW", "VG" & "WA" followed by a good range of 1d reds flagged with shade descriptions & old ACSC numbers incl G70 "damson" accompanied by Drury certificate (2008). Another perfined "OS" 1d group again sorted by ACSC numbers followed by a selection of blocks MUH/MLH noting 1½d scarlet booklet pane of 6 (Sm Mult wmk), Ash imprint blocks of CofA wmk to 5d plus extra 4d block perf "WA". Also surcharges incl "N" over "A" & "N" over "N" 2d on 1½d blocks & 1927/30 perf "OS" commems incl 3d Air in both types. Ovptd "OS" complete with Kingsford Smith 2d & 3d, 6d kangaroos, 1/- Lyre, 4d & 5d KGV all CTO, others MLH. Incls 1946 BCOF set to 5/- thick (latter MLH, other MUH) & KGV postally used coil pairs with join, 1d red coil strip (single crown wmk), 1d green pairs (3 x Sm Mult wmk), 1½d scarlet pair Sm Mult wmk, CofA 2d pairs (3 with join) & a Kangaroo ½d pair & strip of 4 plus 1d pair x 2 all MLH. Also contains a comprehensive QM, KGVI & QEII coil pairs incl KGVI 2d scarlet MUH/MLH, decimal floral coil leaders (5¢ x 4, 7¢, 10¢ x 2), minor decimal coil varieties & coil blocks of 4 (½d kangaroo, 1d Princess, 2d QM & 3d QEII). Noted 5d green booklet blocks part perfd. An exceptional lot, well organised & in good to fine cond. Many scarce items. (100s)