Lot No. 469
Auction No. | 19 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $50 |
Status | SOLD $50 |

United Nations & USA 1851-1975 used in Scott "Minuteman" printed album & another binder. Sparse & in generally poor cond to 1900 with odd better later incl 1901 10¢ Pan-Am, 1913 10¢ orange Panama-Pacific Expo, 1933 Century of Progress 1¢ & 3¢ sheets of 25 (MLH), 1934 Nat Stamp Exhib 3¢ sheet of 6, Atlantic City & Omaha Expo sheets of 6 MLH & National Park set used & imperf (MLH). Also 1940 Famous Americans complete (35) & over 30 addressed FDC's. Noted 1912/13 Parcel Post, a page of revenues & other "back of the book". The UN range is from 1951 to 1975 mainly used & over 50% complete. (100s)