Lot No. 441
Auction No. | 19 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $250 |
Status | SOLD $330 |

Niue 1902-1987 MUH, MLH & used incl 1902 1d FU block with spaced "U" & "E" plus a mint pair without stop after "PENI". Also pictorials to 1/-, KEVII set of 3, 1917 1d Dominion (2 MLH), KGV to 1/- used & perf. 14x13½ set of 4 MLH. 1918/29 QV postal fiscals to £1 MLH, 1931 Arms (2 sets MLH), 1944/54 Arms to £1 & pictorial sets KGV/VI with wmk changes MLH. Later with 1967 rough perf. 11 MUH & many sets both MUH & F/U. The defins are complete incl "OHMS" ovpts to $10 plus all M/S's. A lovely near complete collection. (Cat. £800+ for pre 1950 alone). (100s)