Lot No. 482
Auction No. | 17 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $200 |
Status | SOLD $200 |
1913-1965 used in Seven Seas Hingeless album. Noted kangaroos 1913 3d, 6d CTO, 9d & 1/- F/U, 2nd wmk to 1/- (2/- is 3rd wmk) & 3rd wmk to 5/- (with "socked on the nose" cds. Odd later to 5/- CofA & a 10/- "SPECIMEN" CofA. KGV well covered incl all wmks & perfs to 1/4d plus "OS" ovpts. 1914 6d kookaburra superb CTO, 1928 kookaburra M/S MLH plus all "OS" ovpts CTO (6d brown MLH). Later missing only 5/- SHB otherwise incls Vic Cent in both perfs, KGVI Robes papers, ditto 5/- Cattle & Navigators. Only a few PD's. Most better items are nicely cancelled whilst low values often have machine cancels. A couple have stained perfs, but nearly all are clean. Reserved low. (100s)