Lot No. 314
Auction No. | 17 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $900 |
Status | SOLD $1200 |
Great Britain 1840-1975 MLH & used collection on Windsor printed leaves & some QEII on black leaves in binder. Very good coverage of QV with 1841 1d red imperfs (7) & 2d (4), 1854/57 good range perfs/wmks, 1858/79 missing only pl.77 & 225 (156, 171 & 179 MLH), 2d plates (excl 15), all ½d plates (9 not guaranteed), 1½d (4) plus excellent surface printed with plate numbers, hairlines, wing margins & wmk varieties. Cancellation interest noting 1867/80 3d pl.7 with St THOMAS D.W.I. cds. Many "select" copies with no obvious faults apart from heavy barred numeral cancels. All vals to 10/-, KEVII with shades as per SG to 10/- (SG 319) incl 2/6d x 6, 5/- x 3, Seahorses to 10/- incl prints & shades (mainly parcel cancels) & MUH/MLH well represented from 1935 SJ. QEII commems to 1975 & Machins to 2000 MUH/used. No PD's or Officials. Huge catalogue value & good to fine throughout. (1000s)