Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 524

Auction No. 16
Category Australia
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $30
Status SOLD $55



1913-1965 used collection on Seven Seas standard pages missing key items & many with slogan cancels & faults. Rescued by KGV unchecked off paper used 1d reds, greens plus 5d in envs & a page with NWPI MLH kangaroos with 2d, 2½d, 3d, 6d, 9d & 1/-. Also KGV ½d, 1d, 4d (damaged) & 5d). (100s)