Lot No. 399
Auction No. | 16 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $800 |
Status | SOLD $840 |
Togo 1900-1956 collection on leaves in binder from German colony no wmk 5, 10, 20pf & 1mk used & other vals MLH to 1mk, lozenge wmk 5mk MLH. Anglo French Occ ovpts 3pf & 20pf used with other vals to 40pf plus ½d & 1d surcharges MLH. 1915/16 ovpts on Gold Coast incl set to 20/- MLH incl 4 x ½d & 1d varieties annotated, ditto 2d, 2½d, 3d (3 ea), 6d (2), 1/- (3), 2/-, 2/6d (MLH & used), 5/- MLH & "OCCUPATION" errors on 2½d (2), 3d, 6d & 1/- (one in block of 4). Lovely 10/- plate 5 corner block with 13/6/19 LOME cds (Cat. £240+). Whole set with variety "small F in FRENCH" in 1916 London ovpts to 20/- MLH (plus 10/- used) incl shades except H53b&c. A few low val blocks plus range of on piece incl 10/- & another with 1/-, 2/-, 2/6d & 5/- off paper then range of French "Occupation franco-anglaise" MLH/used ovpts on Dahomey & on Yacht type "10" on 5pf, 10pf (Cat. £550), 30pf (Cat. £130), 1922 MLH/used to 5f incl surcharges, 1924 PD's MLH/used to 20f, 1931 Expo set MUH & 1937 Expo & M/S MLH. 1939/50 missing only about 10 items. 1914 cover Gold Coast to London posted at Lorne, Togo with label "OFFICIALLY SEALED IN THE RETURNED LETTER SECTION, LONDON POSTAL SERVICE" with info below cover plus 1915 Reg'd cover with Lorne local use with strips of 4½d, 1d, (broken into pairs), 2d, 3d, 1/- & two other similar covers both with small excised sections. Also 3pf & 5pf 1915 ovptd Yachts used on pieces with 1991 RPSL certs stating ..."forged overprint and obliteration". Clearly the best collection of this area we have ever offered. Cat. £2500 + covers. (100s)