Lot No. 367
Auction No. | 16 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $1600 |
Status | SOLD $1600 |
New Zealand 1862-2012 in 4 Seven Seas Hingeless albums. Starts with 2d Chalon x 2 (star wmk, one blued paper), later QV odds to 1/- with 1874 & 1882 types, 1898 pictorials to 2/- (ex 6d green, 1/-). 1907 "OFFICIAL" ovpts to 5/- (latter no gum, others used), 1909 1/- MLH with lower vals used, KGV & Officials (ex 8d) used & 1929/30 Healths MLH. Also 1931 Airs MLH/used, 1934 "Faith in Australia" MUH, 1935 Pictorials simplified MLH, ovptd "Official" MLH/used with good later ranges incl Health M/S's, Life Insurance, PD's, 1954 Officials to 3/- plus a few Postal Fiscals. Then 1977 to 2012 complete fresh MUH bar first Framas & odd commem otherwise complete incl Exhib M/S's, booklet panes, S/A's, Health issues, Lord of the Rings stamps, S/A's & Sheetlets, etc as per SS pages. A massive retail. FV on decimal MUH NZ$2500+ ($2200)