Lot No. 933
Auction No. | 15 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $400 |
Status | SOLD $820 |

1913-1936 Starts with odd kangaroos incl 5/- CofA x 2 CTO, 10/- good used & "SPECIMEN", damaged 10/- x 3 & 3rd wmk £1 "SPECIMEN" plus odd mint e.g.: 2/- Small Mult wmk & 6d chestnut "broken leg" in pair with normal then pickings incl KGV Small Mult perf. 14 Die I 3d marginal strip of 4 MUH, 1½d no wmk pair MUH perfined "OS/NSW" & a selection (ex Heritage Stamps) on small cards PTSA $180+. Other MLH/used (100s of the latter) to 1/4d incl "OS" ovpts & perfins. Also a range of SA, NSW (incl QV ½ slate) ovptd "Specimen" vertical strip of 5 MUH, Victoria average range, Queensland from Chalons to 2/6d mixed postally used/fiscal & large types to £1 incl odd Stamp Duty to 5/-. Also Qld Railways 5/- horizontal type & vertical 1d & 6d both large & small. Tasmania from cut to shape Courier, Chalons fiscally used & later in mixed cond incl pictorials, surcharges & revenues. Weeks of fun/work ahead for purchaser. Presented on 70+ Hagners with pickings throughout with the mixed cond allowed for in very conservative reserve. (1000s)