Lot No. 1130
Auction No. | 15 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $2500 |
Status | SOLD $2500 |

Papua 1901-1941 mint & used collection with many extras, shades, postmark interest & varieties in two stockbooks. Noted 1901/05 horiz wmk to 1/- MLH (4d used) plus extra 1/- MLH & used, extra 1d to 2½d used, 2/6d no gum then vertical wmk MLH to 1/- plus BN & cds range to 2½d. 1906 "Large Papua" ovpt on horiz wmk with 2/6d used & vertical wmk ½d to 2½d MLH & used. 1907 "Small Papua" horiz wmk to 2/6d MLH & used plus vertical wmk to 1/- MLH & used (4d MLH x 2 only). 1907/10 bicolours ½d & 2/6d "large" MLH & used, "small" both perfs to 1/- MLH/used (mostly both, with extras) & odd flaw incl SG 68var. "rift in sky" used. 1910/11 "large Papua" bicolours MLH/used incl MLH/MUH blocks of 2½d, 4d, both types of 2/6d MLH & used with nice cancels on lower values incl TAMATA. 1911/15 monocolours incl ½d perf "OS" with wmk variety 038w (cat. £40), 1d perfs & shades plus "Stamp Duty" (ditto bicolour) with all values MLH & used with extras to 2/6d (MLH plus used x3). 1917 "ONE PENNY" surcharges incl monogram CA & JBC ½d singles, 4d CA block with all vals duplicated MLH/used & shades incl distinctive 4d sage used in addition to catalogued pale olive green. 2½d ultramarine CTO lower marginal strip of 5 showing CA & JBC monogram, 1916/31 bicolours to 5/- MLH & used plus extras with comprehensive range of shades (3d may incl scarce shade - you be the judge!). "AIRMAIL" ovpts & surcharges incl CA/JBC monogram multiples, 6d Harrison imprint strip of 3, 2d on 1½d & 9d on 2/6d Ash imprint strips, "POSTACE" varieties & minor flaws CTO. 1932 pictorials to £1 used & 5/- MLH incl ½d buff, 6d & 1/- imprint pairs MLH. Later commems complete incl 1937 F/U imprint blocks, 1941 1/6d Air MLH & used plus good range of perf OS incl O1 & O4/O9 F/U incl both shades 2½d, wmk sideways 2d to 6d F/U & perf. 12½ O21 to O23. A few 1911/13 monocolours & 1930 3d used (cat. £100), ovptd "OS" 1931 set mainly MUH/MLH incl 1½d POSTACE variety (cat. £55), 6d thick second "P" & separate stamp with "POSTACE" at left (cat. £120). Range of Australia used in Madang (8 imprint blocks with KGVI/ Zoological/ 2/- kangaroo vals) plus £1 Robes with lower half of cancel clearly showing "PAPUA". Great lot with very few faulty & much fresher throughout than often found for these issues. Cat. £7000 (not counting 3d dubious shade) plus premium for imprints, MUH items, flaws, scarce postmarks & Aust used in PNG. View & be impressed! (c900)

Image represents an extract of the lot.