Lot No. 408
Auction No. | 14 |
Category |
Australia Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $750 |
Status | SOLD $750 |
KGV MUH/MLH range of singles, pairs, strips & blocks with wmks annotated, arranged in face value order. No constant varieties except 3d Die Ia/Ib pairs & 1d green Die II x 2, but noted ½d orange plate 1 block & pair, 1d red shades (3 blocks, strip, 24 others incl one perf "OS") & Large mult wmk (2), 1d violet shades incl 2 blocks of 6, 1d greens incl Large Mult block, 1½d green block MUH, black-brown block of 8, red brown blocks of4 (2) & CofA x 10. Also scarlet SM perf. 14 (2 pairs), perf. 13½x12½ strips of 3 (4), pairs (4) & 6 singles, 2d orange block MUH (mark on one), scarlet single wmk (2) golden scarlet CofA block, red brown single & SM 14 (2), perf. 13½x12½ (pair & 2 singles), 3d Die I SM perf. 14, perf. 13½x12½ pair & singles Die I, incl perf "OS", Die II block & 4 singles, 4d orange, olive, SM perf. 13½x12½, CofA (2), 4d blue single & violet strips of 3 (2), 4½d single & Sm perf. 14, 5d single wmk (2), SM perf. 13½x12½, CofA, 1/4d single wmk perf "OS", CofA, surcharges in single pairs & blocks (min 32 of ea), "OS" ovptd 1d (2 blocks, 5 singles), 2d SM (5), 3d (3), 5d (4). Also Western Australia ½d green plate blocks (CA & Cr/A), 1d Cr/A blocks of 4 & 6, 1912 ONE PENNY surcharge corner block of 30 (5x6) plus extra KGV on stockcards. No rust with a good range of shades & quite a few MUH. (100s)