Lot No. 276
Auction No. | 14 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $180 |
Status | SOLD $290 |
New Zealand Pre-decimal MUH/MLH dealers stock in cat. order in large Lindner stockbook. Sparse to KGV with latter incl recess printed vals to 1/- incl both perfs of 2d yellow, 1920 Victory 6d & 1/-, 1925 Dunedin, 1931/34 Airs (incl Trans Tasman x 2 MUH), 1935/36 defins to 3/- incl 9d ovptd official, KGVI incl 1½d purple brown block MUH (one light disturbance) & others to 3/-. Also Officials to 2/-, 1940 Centennial to 1/- (ex 7d), officials 2½d (4), 8d (3), 9d (2) plus usual later range incl some high vals (1960 £1 x5) & separate Health's section missing 1931 & "Pathway" otherwise complete with extras of most items incl 1957-1966 M/S's MUH (2 of each). Govt Life range incl decimal surcharges x2 sets + extras & a few Ross Dep. Worthwhile lot, especially the Health's. (100s + 40 M/S's)