Lot No. 163
Auction No. | 14 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $600 |
Status | SOLD $680 |
Great Britain 1840-1970 extensive collection in Lighthouse album with used to KEVII. Mixed MUH, MUH & used thereafter. Incls 1840 1d black (faults), 1841 1d & 2d imperfs range with cancellation interest, 2d perf. 14 & 16 small & large crown wmks (ditto 1d), 1858/79 plates (ex 77, 98, 223/5) with mostly good to F/U examples. 1870 ½d plates (pl. 9 doubtful), QV surface printed range with good plate coverage, 1867/78 5/- Maltese Cross wmk good to F/U, Anchor wmk faulty, 1883/4 5/- with octagonal London strike, KEVII average to F/U range incl 2/6d (3), 5/-, 10/- & perf 15x14 (ex ½d) to 4d. KGV Seahorses ACSC & re-engraved to 10/-, 1929 PUC "K29" control singles to 2½d MLH, 1940 Stamp Cent FDC (Cat. £55), 1948 £1 RSW MUH plus QEII mixed MUH/MLH & used incl phosphors & various sideways & inverted wmk varieties. Few PD's & officials plus pre-decimal regionals complete. Some mixed cond. & (in QV) few on "added" pages are a bit stuck down but huge cat. value in QV. (1000s)