Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
Internet Philatelic Dealers Association   Western Australia Owned
RSPCA Supporter

Lot No. 368

Auction No. 12
Category Australia
    Collections, Accumulations and Selections
Est. $120
Status SOLD $190



KGV to QEII serendipity lot on Hagners with covers, KGV/VI postal stationery cut outs, cinderellas incl 1938 Parramatta labels (MLH), F/U incl 1934 1/- Vic Cent strip of 4, monocolour PD's (21) to 5/-, bicolours to 1/- (10 x 5/- MUH/MLH), 2008 Architecture set, gutter pairs, M/S MUH, NSW Stamp Duty 1/6d MUH block of 15, 1962 Games, 1963 Royal Visit & 1964 Airmail in blocks of 2/3d MUH. A few KGVI/QEII coil pairs/strips MLH & used, QEII 5¢ on 4¢ & 5¢ booklet panes, KGV 1d engraved block of 4 MUH, Hutt River oddments plus other items of interest. (100s)