Lot No. 321
Auction No. | 11 |
Category |
World Collections, Accumulations and Selections |
Est. | $100 |
Status | SOLD $100 |
New Zealand & Pacific Islands 1891-1974 MLH range in Warwick 22 ring album. Noted Fiji 1959/67 mixed wmks to £1. Cook Islands 1920 pictorials, 1949 set of 10, NZ 1936/42 to 3/- (15, incl 9 d x 2), 1940 Centennial, 1969 Cook M/S's x2 MUH. Also Bahamas (wrong ocean!) 1954 to 5/- plus KGVI used range incl 5/- (SG 156d) & a few U.S.A MLH. Pitcairn 1957 to 2/6d. A useful lot. (200+)