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Miscellaneous: King George V |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d pale green, originally a block of 4, now in 2 pairs showing the 3 major varieties, "Wattle line state I… $150 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d pale green, plate 3 Mullett 2 line imprint block of 4 with "r" "white flaw in frame opposite emu's feet… $50 Sold $40 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green in 2 different plate 4 imprint blocks of 4 with the Mullett block ACSC 80B(4)za having varieties … $150 Sold $40 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green in lower right Plate 4 bottom right corner selvedge block of 4 on translucent paper with "corner … $250 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green John Ash "N over A" imprint block. MLH with a couple of minor spots (ACSC 80z, Cat. $175 & CofA w… $50 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green Mullett 2 line imprint block of 4 with 2"ferns" & "RA joined" varieties. Fine MUH/MLH, centred to… $160 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green on translucent paper in lower left corner block of 16. Fine MUH. ACSC 80aa, Cat. $125 x 16 = $2000 $300 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green plate 4 John Ash 2 line setting imprint block of 4 with the 2nd line of imprint missing due to gu… $50 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green plate 4 top left vert corner pair with "Secret mark" & "Break in top frame etc" varieties. Fine M… $40 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green position VII/8 (2 types) with "run N third state" MVLH & "Run N third state - retouched" MUH. ACS… $90 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 141d green vertical pair with "wattle line" & "neck flaw" varieties. Superb MUH/MLH. ACSC 80B(4)f&h, Cat. $360 $75 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with "flaw under neck" variety. MVLH & well centred. ACSC 80B(4)h, Cat. $300 $80 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with "Run "N" third state" variety. Superb F/U. ACSC 80B(4)vb, Cat. $200 $60 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with "saddle on emu" variety. Good to fine used with neat part slogan cancel. One of the rarest of … $500 Archived |
1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green with top selvedge with double perfs along the top. Superb F/U. Drury Cert. (2024) ACSC 80B.b, Cat. … $75 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 John Ash imprint pair with "RA joined" variety. ACSC 80B(4)j, Cat. $260 + premium for MVLH… $60 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 lower right selvedge vertical pair with "white spot in SE corner" & "run N third state" va… $75 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 Mullett imprint block of 4 on translucent paper with "RA of Australia joined" & "ferns" va… $500 Sold $100 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1d green, plate 4 part John Ash imprint block of 8. The selvedge has been guillotined below John Ash with "A… $80 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d rose-red Die Ia Mullett imprint block of 4. Stamp variety identifiers neatly written in ink on gutter. … $300 Sold $75 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d rose-red, Die II, plate 2 Mullett imprint strip of 4 with "Void top right corner" variety. Cliché 2L59… $60 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red in top right plate 3 dot block of 4 with inverted wmk. Fine MVLH, centred right. ACSC 91B(3)z, Cat.… $220 Sold $40 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red Plate 1 Mullett imprint block of 4. MLH well centred with some rough perfs. ACSC 91B(1)z, Cat. $300 $90 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red plate 2 Mullett imprint block of 4. MLH/MH. ACSC 91B(2)za, Cat. $200 $50 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red plate 2 Mullett imprint block of 8 with "scratch in front of King's forehead" & "void corner - 5th … $150 Sold $150 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red plate 2 Mullett imprint block of 8 with "void corner - 3rd correction" variety. MLH with fresh appe… $120 Sold $120 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red plate 4 Mullett imprint block of 4 with "ST of POSTAGE joined" variety. MUH/MLH & well centred. ACS… $60 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red with "slurred print" as mentioned in accompanying Drury Cert. (2019) on 2 rows of 6 with selvedge a… $500 Sold $100 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d red, plate 3 Mullett imprint block of 4. MVLH, centred left with plate identified in pencil on centre s… $60 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d pale red Plate 2 dot block of 4.Fine MVLH. ACSC 91B(2)z, Cat. $125 $40 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d golden scarlet in John Ash imprint positional block of 12 for positions L47 & 48/ 53 & 54/ 59 & 60 & R4… $300 Sold $60 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d golden scarlet, plate 4 positional block of 4 for 41 & 42/ 47 & 48 with the lower AB pair while left st… $50 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 1½d golden scarlet, plate 4 positional block of 4 with 47 & 48/ 53 & 54, both AB pairs. The first shows "re… $750 Sold $180 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown. MLH, centred low. ACSC 98A, Cat. $175 $30 Archived |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red brown top horiz selvedge pair with "Large white flaw in left val tablet" variety. MVLH with good perf… $120 Sold $120 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown electro 16 cliché 16 R 6 "No top to crown" variety. MLH. Not listed in the ACSC. $150 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown electro 16 Mullett imprint interpaneau block of 4. MLH. Aged gum with a couple of tone spots & … $120 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown, electro 16, Mullett imprint block of 4. MUH/MLH, mixed centering. ACSC 98A(16)z, Cat. $1250 $300 Sold $300 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown horiz strip of 3 with right selvedge "White flaw on top of right 2 & bottom frame broken under … $150 Sold $110 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown plate 16 Mullett imprint pair with double perforations at base. MNG with staining of paper as a… $150 Sold $30 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d red-brown with "Diagonal white flaw through TWO" & "White flaw on 2nd A of AUSTRALIA" varieties. Former M… $120 Sold $60 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 2d deep red-brown horiz pair, right with "Broken top to crown & damaged lower frame at right corner" variety… $180 Sold $180 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d blue, Die Ia Plate 4, Mullett imprint block of 4 with "White flaw over "ia" of Australia" variety. MLH wi… $150 Sold $75 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d dull blue, Die Ia in part left selvedge block of 4 plate (3, 4) positions R7 & 8/ R13 & 14. Block has 2 t… $120 Sold $60 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d dull blue, Die Ia x 2 with "Retouch to the back of emu's head" & "Thickening of upper frame at right" var… $75 Sold $75 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 3d grey-blue, Die Ia block of 4 with lower selvedge for positions L51 & 52/ L57 & 58 with 2 x AB pairs. MUH … $180 Sold $40 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive Plate 4 John Ash 2 line imprint block of 4. Fine MUH/MLH with fresh appearance. ACSC 115(4… $400 Sold $200 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive with "White flaw in left wattles" variety. Fine MUH. ACSC 115(3)d, Cat. $375 + premium for… $180 Sold $220 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive with "White flaw of 2 bloom of right wattles" variety. Fine MLH. ACSC 115(4)I, Cat. $350 $120 Sold $120 |
 1926-30 Small Multiple Watermark Perf. 4d greenish-olive, plate 4 John Ash two line imprint block of 4. MVLH, pulled perf at right otherwise fine. … $400 Sold $100 |