Australasian Philatelic Traders' Association   The Philatelic Traders Society
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Lot No Description Est.
Collections, Accumulations and Selections: Australia
1913-1965 MUH/MLH & good to fine used accumulation in quality "as new" Lighthouse & Prinz black paged stockbooks arranged in date order. No high va…
Sold $75
1913-1965 on Seven Seas & other pages in binder. Kangaroos mostly average used but incls 1st & 2nd wmks 2d grey MLH 1st, 2nd & 3rd wmks while 2/- 1…
Sold $750
1913-1965 MUH/MLH in Seven Seas hingeless album (retails at $165). Kangaroos incl 1st wmk to 6d (excl 2½d) MLH (2d foxed, 4d even toning), 3rd wmk…
Sold $950
1913-1982 Seven Seas hingeless album with 1st wmk to 5d MLH (1d used), 3rd wmk 1/- & 2/- MLH (maroon) & 2/- brown used x 2, SMW 6d, 9d & 1/- MLH, C…
Sold $750
1914-1965 Comprehensive MUH/MLH range on 44 Hagners noting 1927 2/- booklet, 1928 M/S plus pair of same from top right of sheet before all "OS" per…
Sold $350
1914-1965 Ex-dealer "flagged" stock of good to fine used in damaged stockbook & Hagners noting 1929 3d Airmails type A (7) & type B (6), many 1930'…
Sold $50
1914-1965 pre-decimal selection in small stockbook noting 1914 1d engraved KGV CTO JY 17 14 with light gum bend (Cat. $75), 1914 6d Kookaburra MLH …
Sold $120
1927-1947 MLH & used mounted on Senator leaves noting 1928 M/S MLH, 1927/30 "OS" perfined commems incl 3d Air types A & B both MLH & used, 1931 Kin…
Sold $280
1930-1940 Commems duplicated MLH & used in Lindner binder. Incls 1930 Sturt pair normal & perfined "OS" F/U & MLH of each, 1934 Macarthur set of 4 …
Sold $50
1930's-1950's "Kiloware" in original "Boans of Western Australia" bag full of interesting material on paper. A quick glance revealed Aust kangaroos…
Sold $120
Pre-decimal Enormous variety of covers incl some mint postal stationery. Incls Registered mail, Postcards, defins to mid-vals plus commems in block…
Sold $150
Pre-decimal Used in 2 stockbooks with a few kangaroos & KGV on Hagners. One volume has heavily dupl 1927-1940 incl commems to 2/- in mixed cond, 19…
Sold $100
Pre-decimals 1913 1d red engraved KGV x 13 MLH incl block of 4 & 2 pairs & 6 used before 2 well centred engraved kookaburras MLH & F/U. Next 5 page…
Pre-decimals Selection of John Ash & By Authority imprint blocks of 4 with vals to 1/4d & 1/0½ KGVI. MUH/MLH or MUH. Minimal duplication. (100+)
Sold $40
B.C.O.F. 1946 set of 7 to 5/- Robes on thin paper MUH plus ½d forged ovpt & 5/- Robes on thick paper MLH. Incls ½d block of 4, 3d imprint block o…
Sold $75
B.C.O.F. MLH & used range on Hagner incl ½d MUH/MLH block of 12 plus 4 singles, 1d MLH/used (2 ea.), 3d block of 4 & 3 singles MUH/MLH, 6d (2 MLH,…
Sold $70
1966 to 1982 (Nov) - Vol. 1. FV $590
Sold $210
1983 (Jan) to Nov 1987 - Vol. 2. FV $630+
Sold $240
1988 (Jan) to 1992 (Jan) - Vol. 3. FV $750
Sold $300
1992 (Jan) to 1994 (Nov) - Vol. 4. FV $700+
Sold $300
1995 (Feb) to 1999 (Nov) - Vol. 5. FV $1100+
Sold $350
2000 (Jan) to 2004 (Oct) - Vol. 6. FV $1640
Sold $450
2005 (Jan) to 2007 (Nov) - Vol. 7. FV $1340
Sold $400
2008 (Jan) to 2010 (Nov) -Vol. 8. FV $1680+
Sold $650
2011 (Jan) to 2012 (Nov) - Vol. 9. FV $1570
Sold $600
2013 (Jan) to 2019 (Nov) - Vol. 10. FV $2140+
Sold $800
1966-1974 MUH/MLH in springback album attractively arranged noting 1966 Birds in blocks of 4, Navigators to $4, booklet panes & Christmas 1971 plus…
Sold $75
1966-1982 Comprehensive early decimals noting 1966 (14th Feb) set of 22 on single OHMS FDC before 1c, 5c & 6c QEII with strong offsets (ACSC 436c, …
Sold $1300
1966-1985 complete MUH in Seven Seas Hingeless album incl Navigators to $4 with both $1 Flinders perfs (retail $90) plus the "SPECIMEN" ovpts (reta…
Sold $200
1966-1993 Fine used (or CTO) collection in mounts on clean, written up pages appearing 99% complete bar a couple of "cheapies". Incls 1990's gutter…
Sold $40
1966-2015 good to fine used stock in 3 quality "as new" Lighthouse black paged stockbooks arranged in date order. High vals to $10 with duplication…
Sold $110
1970's-2000's mixed MUH with 5c to $1.50 face values bagged for postage with mixed quantities in each env/bag etc. MUH with some better noting 2008…
Sold $250
1980's-1994 MUH gutter strips, pairs with a few AAT & Cocos 1970's in similar multiples. Total face value approx. $400 & all housed on Hagners in b…
Sold $120
1982-1989 Continuation of the above noting 1982 60c Humpback Whale trial printing with solid blue-green background, MUH (SG 841a Cat. £250), 1982 …
Sold $300
1989-1995 Third vol in the above with booklets, 1990 "Auststamp" ovptd Aust day Gutter block (retails $40) plus majority of remaining issues in gut…
Sold $300
1992-1999 & 2002-2005 Retired Dealers fine used decimal stock arranged in double columned stockbooks noting se-tenant strips, gutters etc. Useful q…
Sold $110
1995-1998 Again with gutters, S/A's, booklets, sheetlets of 10 when issued & some M/S ovpts plus Monotel sets for GPO Perth & Fremantle. Again fine…
Sold $200
1998-1999 & 2000-2002 in 2 vols continuing the above with gutters or pairs plus S/A' strips with tabs, M/S's & reprints. Noted 1999 Navigators with…
Sold $300
2002-2004 & 2004-2006 in matching vols as above with booklets, Greetings issues with tabs incl 2003 Kalamunda Stamp Club 25th Anniv & personalised …
Sold $500
2006-2007 & 2007-2008 as above with the same degree of completeness. The 3 years of issues in 2 vols reflects the increase in issues. Noted "Le Sal…
Sold $500
2008-2009 & 2009-2010 in another 2 vols as above. Incls Int Post in singles, pairs & gutters, 2008 AFI folder & another for Geoffrey Rush, HMAS Syd…
Sold $500
2010-2011 & 2011-2012 Noting 2011 Eucalyptus Scented Stamp pack & sheetlet, $6 commem sheetlets of 10 & S/A commem strips, $20 Colonial Heritage sh…
Sold $500
2012-2013 & 2013-2014 again with Int Post defin issues in gutters pairs, horiz pairs & singles. Also AAT issues noting 2012 Phillip Law M/S ovptd "…
Sold $600
2014-2015 Another 2 beautifully presented albums with issues in the same format as above but also Concession Packs plus all the new 70c defins & co…
Sold $850
2015-2017 The 12th lot in this comprehensive decimal collection is in 2 vols continuing with these "difficult to source" modern issues noting large…
Sold $1300
2017-2018 & 2019-2020 with first vol containing the Legends of TV in gutters & S/A booklets set of 5 & noting 2017 "Rare Beauties" embellished M/S …
Sold $1500
2020-2021 This very difficult period now appears in single vols at reserves close to face value with these issues virtually unavailable from dealer…
Sold $1300
2021-2022 Commencing with the Tokyo Olympics commems & Gold Medallists sheetlets set of 17, "Holdens Final Roar" gutters, M/S & S/A booklet set of …
Sold $1300
2022-2024 Int Post high vals to $4 in pairs, gutter pairs & singles begin this final volume before Aust Dinosaurs, Roses & Peter Brock in S/A bookl…
Sold $1300
"Across Town" 1991 "Across Town Perth" Postage Paid S/A labels x 16 & same for "Across Town Sydney" x 19. Also 1992 Box Link labels x 28. Exc cond.…
Sold $60


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