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Lot No Description Est.
Australia: Decimal
1978 18c Kingsford Smith left marginal imperforate block of 4. Fresh MUH. ACSC 792b, Cat. $200+
Sold $60
1978 18¢ Kingsford Smith imperf horizontal pair (ACSC 792b, Cat. $100) & single 18¢ Hinkler with misplaced perfs (ACSC 791bd, Cat. $50). Former M…
Sold $42
1978 18¢ Charles Ulm in yellow & orange-yellow shade plus normal for comparison. MUH. ACSC 793B, Cat. $150
1977 45c Silver Jubilee imperforate proof pair on thick paper. MUH ACSC 766PP(1), Cat. $300
Sold $85
1977 18c Silver Jubilee imperforate horiz pair & vert pair with strong blue & black offset. Both fine MUH. ACSC 765b & c, Cat. $450
Sold $100
1977 18c Silver Jubilee pair with superb complete offset. MUH. ACSC 765c, Cat. $250 Sold in Ace Auctions No. 12 for $200.
Sold $90
1977 $10 Coming South painting in marginal block of 10 with massive perforation shift resulting in "AUSTRALIA $10" appearing in the top half of sta…
Sold $700
1976 (28th July) Commercial cover with orange "MESSENGER DELIVERY" label attached & double blue vertical lines around the centre of the cover. Hali…
Sold $32
1975 45¢ Wildflower right marginal vertical strip of 5 with outer stamps normal while middle has dull yellow-green omitted while 4th partially omi…
1975 18¢ Wildflower in top right horiz strip of 6 all with black partially missing resulting in "Australia" & "18¢" omitted. A variety of ACSC 72…
Sold $180
1975 18c Wildflower marginal MUH strip of 4 with black omitted from top unit & partial missing below plus a used example with black omitted. Also "…
Sold $50
1975 10c Lyons printed on gummed side. Fresh MUH. SG 591a, Cat. £140, ACSC 694c, Cat. $200
Sold $50
1975 10c Desert Pea in unopened complete roll with "1000 COIL STAMPS TEN CENT - DESERT PEA VALUE $100" original wrapper. ACSC 537c/ca, Cat. $225
Sold $50
1975 10¢ IWY block of 4 with dramatically misplaced perfs upwards with most of "AUSTRALIA" appearing at the top. Only one sheet known. Mint withou…
Sold $50
1974 $1 "Sergeant of Light Horse" complete sheet of 50 from 3rd printing with both "Bullet hole" & "Cut throat" varieties & sheet number below gutt…
Sold $50
1974 10¢ Star Sapphire in vertical strip of 5 with top stamp having black totally omitted while 2nd stamp shows black at base only & others normal…
Sold $80
1973 8c Opal corner marginal block of 4 mis-perforated due to pre-printing corner fold resulting I top 2 left stamps partly imperf. MUH. A far more…
Sold $360
1973 7c Sydney Opera House full sheet of 100 with 1.5mm shift of dark blue affecting top 16 top left stamps in both panes of 50 resulting in varyin…
1973 7¢ Agate with "black omitted" & normal, 9¢ on 8 ¢ with "surcharge misplaced" & normal plus 10¢ printed on gummed side. (ACSC 648ci) All MU…
Sold $90
1973 7c Agate horiz strip of 3 with black omitted resulting in the 7c value missing. Fresh MUH. ACSC 642c, Cat. $300
Sold $75
1973 7¢ Agate vertical pair with black value omitted & partially omitted. MUH. ACSC 642cc, Cat. $200
Sold $50
1973 5c Golden Wattle in unopened complete rolls x 2 with "1000 COIL STAMPS FINE CENT - GOLDEN WATTLE VALUE $50" original wrappers in both sage-gre…
Sold $95
1973 2c Desert Rose in unopened complete rolls x 2 with "1000 COIL STAMPS TWO CENT - DESERT ROSE VALUE $20" in scarlet on original wrapper. ACSC 52…
Sold $65
1973 1c Banded Coral Shrimp with partial missing black in wording. MUH pair. ACSC 635g, Cat. $40 but under-catalogued.
1972 (12th Sept) 35¢ Christmas tied by Hay Street WA cds to Airmail env to Germany. Attractive with German RTS markings. Scarce single franking. S…
1972 & 1973 covers with Thursday Island cds's both to the same addressee, the 1972 cover with Cape York Qld… last line of address struck through …
1971 Christmas panes of 25 x 4, blocks of 7 x 11 & a single set plus a pres pack & FDC. Useful for re-sale. SG 498a/ab, Retail $880+
Sold $100
1971 7c Sturts Desert Pea coil pair with missing buff & green resulting in leaves omitted. ACSC 535cg, Cat. $250
Sold $60
1971 7c Desert Pea in unopened complete roll with "1000 COIL STAMPS SEVEN CENT - DESERT PEA VALUE $70" original wrapper. ACSC 535c/cB, Cat. $225
Sold $40
1971 7¢ Desert Pea with "buff omitted" (ACSC 535ce, Cat. $300) & "buff & green omitted" (ACSC 535cg, Cat. $125). Both fine MUH. (2)
Sold $95
1970 Definitives Presentation Pack (PO 7). "1966" written on outer plastic but sealed in original packaging & unopened. Retails $650
Sold $50
1968 Soil/Medical gutter pair with thick lines showing "needle in thumb" variety (ACSC 490d) plus 2 more thick line pairs & 3 thin line pairs. All …
Sold $30
1966 $1 Flinders perf. 14¾ in upper marginal block of 4 & single. All MUH. ACSC 464, retail $450
Sold $120
1966 40c Tasman with seriously misplaced perforations resulting in corners of 4 stamps showing. Fine MUH. ACSC 460b, Cat. $375
Sold $220
1971 7c purple QEII top selvedge block of 30 with first vert row from selvedge blank with design moved one row right thus 10th impression appearing…
Sold $250
1966 5¢ blue QEII pair & single with strong offsets plus 50¢ Navigator with a lighter but complete offset. ACSC 444c, Cat. $75ea, ACSC 461c, Cat.…
Sold $90
Commonwealth & Foreign: Papua New Guinea
2007 K3.35 Orchid with Butterfly tab (PNG's First Personalised Stamps) in sheetlets of 20 x 20, 2007 K5.35 Orchid with "Motuan Hiri Trading double …
2002 K1.45 Lakatoi in complete sheets of 30 x 40. Fresh MUH. SG 923, Cat. £1200, FV 1740 Kina (A$620)
1992 K2.10 Birds of Paradise "1992" booklets with the "Hanger" extensions x 17. Pfeffer & Crum PNG6B, Cat. $255 (17)
Sold $55
1981 x 8 & 1997 x 6 Annual Stamp packs, the latter retailing at $65 each. Fresh & clean MUH. (14)
1980 (11th Nov) National Parliament Invitation to the afternoon sitting addressed to Mrs K Lightpoot with K2 stamp tied by Boroko pmk & signed by s…
Sold $30
1973 Interpex booklet from the Linn's the US printing of 1000, of which 500 were bought by a British dealer. Can be distinguished from the Port Mor…
1966 $1 & $2 butterflies in MUH full sheets of 50 from Plate I. SG 91 & 92, Cat. £300
Sold $20
1962 5/- Patrol in top right corner block of 4. This was the first Australian printed multicoloured stamp prepared for release in 1962 but withdraw…
Sold $800
1952 Defins set to £1 Fisherman MUH plus extras from 6½d to £1 MUH/MLH & "SPECIMEN" ovpts consisting 10/- Map MUH plus 2 MLH, £1 Fisherman x 2 …
Sold $160
Outerlying Territories: Norfolk Island
2002 (1-8 Dec) APTA "Pre-Convention" & "Convention" Booklets. Rarely seen with only 500 issued. Pfeffer & Crum NI19/20, Cat. $80 (2)
Sold $65
1995 $1.80 Flower booklets x 2 with the Singapore '95 (colour ovpt) & ASDA Show ovpts. Useful pair. Pfeffer & Crum NI7(1) & NI7(3), Cat. $70 (2)
Sold $55
1995 $1.80 Flower booklet ovptd "Contract Bridge Tournament November 26th-December 4th 1995 South Pacific Hotel Norfolk Island" in gold with tourna…
Sold $65
1995 $1.80 Flower booklet ovptd with ASDA logo in black & containing the white flaw on 17/1 & "red blob above B" varieties. Pfeffer & Crum NI7(3)b,…
Sold $46
Commonwealth & Foreign: Nauru
1916 10/- pale blue DLR printing with "NAURU" ovpt in red. MLH with a tinge of gum toning but well centred & frontally fresh. SG 23, Cat. £275
Sold $120

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